It's been cold and rainy here for the past couple of weeks. One particularly cold morning Annette got all bundled up in her winter coat and mittens! She thought the mittens were fun at first until she realized that they prevented her from sucking her fingers :-)
Annette gets a homework assignment from school every month to decorate a picture - for January it was a snowperson. Annette was very good with the finger paints at first...
but the final result turned out to be a bit messy :-)
She made up for it by helping around the kitchen. She loves putting on the oven mitts, even though they take up her entire arm!
Uncle Nils, Aunt Allison and the cousins came over to play one weekend. Annette and Fritz liked checking out baby Isabel :-)
Annette got her first real boo-boo last week. On Thursday she fell into a wooden slide at Gymboree class and got a cut next to her eye. It's healing very nicely though and doesn't bother her anymore :-)
Yesterday her friend Rachel came over for a playdate. The girls enjoyed playing together until Annette bit Rachel's finger :-( She has another tooth coming in and anything that gets close to her mouth gets chomped on!
They made up over a wonderful dinner of baked ziti, green beans and blueberry pie with ice cream!
Let's ring in the New Year! On New Year's Eve we went to the Children's Museum for their annual noon ball-drop.
Annette tried watching the parade while sitting on her Daddy's shoulders, but she decided that was a bit too scary.
She did enjoy dancing to the music though!
We counted down to noon and watched the ball drop in the mini version of Times Square (much less stressful than the real thing, as Mommy will attest to!).
Afterward Annette celebrated the New Year with a tea party in the Tot Spot :-)
On Christmas morning Daddy made waffles with strawberries and whipped cream. Annette enjoyed cleaning the whipped cream off the egg beaters :-)
Then she opened her stocking and tried on her 6 hair bows from Santa!
Her favorite part of opening presents was playing with the ribbons and walking around holding the boxes.
Mommy got her a magna-doodle, which Daddy liked playing with too!
Happy 2011! We had a wonderful holiday. On Christmas Eve we got dressed up and went to the children's service at our church.
Annette was an angel like she was last year, but was a bit more of a handful this year. She had a lot to say and wanted to walk all around during the service :-)
Afterward we had appetizers at our place, where Annette got to meet her Great Grandmama in town from Seattle!
Auntie Lauren was also in town, and Annette enjoyed playing with her.