On Christmas day we went over to Grandpa David and Susan's house, where Annette sported her third Christmas outfit! Susan's mother Lelia enjoyed holding her :-)
After a leaky diaper ruined her Christmas outfit, Annette did a costume change and tried out the new balance board that everyone was playing with.
Smiling with her momma :-)
"Where did all the presents go?"
Worn out from all the festivities, she fell asleep in her carrier while Kendall took her for a walk around the neighborhood :-)
Merry Christmas!
We went to the family service at church today, where all the kids got to dress up as shepherds, animals or angels. Guess which one Annette was?
We spent Christmas Eve at Mormor and Morfar's house - here they are with their modern interpretation of a Christmas tree :-)
"Who's the best present of all?"
Happy 3 month birthday, Annette!!!
Last week we went to Major, Lindsey & Africa's holiday lunch. After 6 years of working there, Britta officially retired to start her new job as a full-time mom. Crystal (the best co-worker ever!) liked holding Annette :-)
Afterward we went to visit Kendall at his office...
where Annette got caught up on her email :-)
In our workout clothes getting ready to go on a walk in Memorial Park this past weekend.
Annette enjoyed her 3 mile walk, even though it was a bit chilly!
Getting ready to cross the new "living bridge" - in a year it will all be covered in greenery.
The fall leaves have finally come to Texas!
After our walk we went to visit our friend's 2 1/2 week old twins, Corinne and Reid. They made Annette look like a giant!
"Is Santa here yet?"
We celebrated Christmas early with Nani and Frank before their trip to France.
Frank got Annette a new teddy bear, which is almost as big as she is!
This week we went to the Children's Museum with my moms group - Annette liked checking herself out in the mirror.
On Thursday we went with Mormor, Grams and Matt down to Galveston. The water was this high downtown a year ago during hurricane Ike.
We went to Moody Gardens' Festival of Lights, which featured over a million Christmas lights in various displays. Here we are with the yellow roses of Texas :-)
Happy Hanukkah!
On Saturday we went to a family Christmas concert at the Houston Symphony.
Annette mostly ate through the concert, but hopefully she enjoyed the classical music :-)
Annette got to see snow for the first time last Friday! It snowed for part of the day and melted by the next morning, but it was beautiful while it lasted :-)
Brrr - get me inside!!
We were over at Mormor and Morfar's house on the snow day doing our Christmas baking!
Annette got baptized this past Sunday at St. Martin's Episcopal Church. She wore the Johnson family baptismal gown, worn by her Morfar and Mom when they got baptized.
Being held upside-down while getting water poured on her head was her least favorite part.
With Father Bastian
All the grandparents were there for Annette's big day!
The two ladies enjoying the reception afterward at our house :-)
We had a great time over the Thanksgiving weekend going to the Children's Museum, where Sophia showed her cousin the outdoor build-your-own boat race track.
Babies are an alligator delicacy.
We all made a trip to Discovery Green - Annette's second trip downtown :-)
Checking out the outdoor ice rink at Discovery Green, although the top layer is mostly melted since this is Houston...
Four generations!
If I eat any more turkey I just might lose it!
We started Thanksgiving bright and early by walking 5k in the Turkey Trot - our 6th year in a row!
Happy Thanksgiving! Annette's great-grandparents from Canada and her Uncle Nils, Aunt Allison and cousin Sophia from Chicago were down to celebrate.
"Was I ever that small?"
Getting ready to eat our Thanksgiving feast!
Happy 2 month birthday, Annette!!
She had her 2 month check-up this morning. She is 24 1/4 inches long, putting her in the 95th percentile for height!
She weighed in at 12 pounds 4 ounces, which is the 85th percentile for weight! We have a big, healthy girl :-)
She had to get 3 shots for her vaccinations, and was very brave :-)